Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Writing for....ME!

When I first started this blog, I immediately....stopped. 
Writing to no one (since I'm brand new and have no followers) and pretending like I was actually talking to someone made me feel foolish. I was also thinking that I needed these incredibly entertaining, amazing posts to get people to want to read and, you know, sometimes you just don't feel all that witty!!

So I stopped writing for a couple weeks.

In fact, I even decided not to write at all. I stayed away from blogger completely. 
But then I missed it.
A lot!
And I wondered what was going on in the lives of those I used to read about daily.
Because, believe it or not, reading about your lives for months now makes me feel like I know you personally; although, I haven't really reached out to talk to too many of you.

So, I logged onto blogger and started reading away. 
I came across one post that really put things in perspective for me. 
Miss Molly, always the inspiration over at http://midwesterntouch.blogspot.com/, pointed out how important it is to blog for yourself. Not your grandma, not your best friend, not your neighbor's dog.....YOURSELF.

And I realized, I LOOOOOVE blogging, so not doing it because no one is there to read it is pretty darn silly of me! Whether or not no one reads this or even just my one follower (Thank you, Kevers!), I'm still going to write! And I'm going to write whatever the heck I want to and say anything I darn well please. Because if people are going to read this, I want them to be able to know the real me. I want my posts to be genuine and not something I took fooooorever thinking about in order to entertain. 

ANYWAY, I should probably step away from Blogger for a little bit so I can clean and make dinner. I'm also going to bake up some yummy chocolate cupcakes tonight. MMMMM!!!! Can't wait. 



  1. In the beginning though it takes time to get visitors from search engines but if you joined blog sphere as a reader as well then you will surely, make a circle of people with common interests.

    You should add a stat counter code to know how many people read your blog and how do they interact with your posts. www.statcounter.com is great in this regard.

    and this comment proves you're not alone you are really on the world wide web.

    May God Bless You,

    Ibn Hanif

    Kashmir, Pak/ Saudi Arabia

  2. That is an incredibly heart-warming start!
