Saturday, May 21, 2011

Missing Post

I tried to write this yesterday....really, I did.
I just.......couldn't.
So here is yesterday's missing post. =)

I love my job.......

And that, boys and girls, was sarcasm. 
Because really, who would love spending 4-8 hours a day/6-7
days a week in a pretzel store, usually all alone????
The only company I have are my thoughts...and let me tell ya, that's scary.
(There are aspects I do enjoy about my job...this was just a day full of bad stuff)

For those who don't know, I work at a pretzel store in the mall.
It's a pretty boring, uneventful job, and I tend to see some crazies through out the day.

For some reason, today (now yesterday) just wasn't my day. For starters, I was rushing around too quickly and burned my arm on the 500 degree oven. It left a nice, 4 inch burn that is quite attractive and feels great!!
But don't worry, I managed to give myself an almost matching on my opposite arm today.
Yeah, I'm special.....

Also, this devil child.....(umm, okay, maybe that was harsh. but you'll be thinking the same, if not worse thoughts than me once you continue the story) So anyway, this AWFUL child was whining and crying to her mom because her mom would not let her have her own smoothie. She wanted a pomegranate one, but her mom was making her share with her little sister and it was going to be strawberry banana. I am, spending my precious time making a strawberry banana smoothie, with lots of love and care.
Cause that's how I roll. Apparently, that wasn't good enough though.
The little girl comes up to where I put the mix on the counter top, screams NO!!! and hits it with all her might. The smoothie mix container hits the wall, then drops to the floor, showering the wall, the floor and ME with smoothie mix. She hit the container so hard that the hard plastic container even split when it hit the wall.

What happened next, you ask?? You're probably assuming that the mother apologized profusely, demanding her child clean up the spill and also apologize. No. Of course not. Instead, the child gave me a satisfied grin and the mother did....nothing.

She stood there.
I stood there.
We just looked at each other.

After what felt like hours, though I'm sure was only seconds, I go right back to my business, finish making the smoothie, hand it to the mom and they walk out the store to enjoy their day,
while I'm left cleaning up a mess of a very undisciplined, disagreeable child.

Last, but very not least, I spent 10 minutes scooping bubbles out of the dish sink, after making new soapy dish water, because the woman I was working with doesn't like bubbles.
Yeah, that's what she I'm making up the new water.
"I don't like bubbles."
"Huh?" I ask.
"I don't like bubbles."
I'm kind of at a loss for words at this point. It's been a long day, I don't want a fight.
"Umm...okay." I look down at the water.
"Just scoop them out with your hand."
So that's what I did. I spent AT LEAST 10 minutes grabbing the bubbles with my hand and scooping them into the other sink beside me. At the end of those 10 minutes, I realized something......

Life would have been much easier had I just drained the water out of the sink and started all over.
Or, better yet, she just got over her bubble phobia and quit being so darn picky.
Or, even better yet, I said "No" and walked away.
Or, even BETTER yet, I had not even gone into work that day at all.

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